Parents will do anything for their children, which got Lori Loughlin in some legal trouble. Daughter Olivia Jade Gianulli is trying to move on with her life after the college admissions scandal and made a joke about it on her latest vlog, which is posted to her YouTube channel. Olivia is a lifestyle influencer.
In 2019, both Lori and her husband Mossimo Gianulli were accused of paying William "Rick" Singer big money to help them get their daughters Olivia and Bella into the University of Southern California. They both pleaded guilty and were sentenced to prison time, fines, community service, and supervised release. Lori served two months in prison while her husband served five.
This was Olivia’s first vlog of 2024. She plans to post weekly summaries of her daily life. In the video, she shared her morning routine. She visited a farmers market and cooked. She also shopped with Lori.
It was in the kitchen when the family’s past history came up. Olivia is going to do some redecorating. "Finally ordered wallpaper for the kitchen … It's not going to feel like a prison," she stated. "Save the jokes. Don't want to hear it, I set you up and I don't want you to tee off, OK?"
More from LittleThings: Olivia Jade Offers Intimate Look At Her Family's Role In The College Admissions Scandal
Lori appears later in the video for a mom and daughter shopping trip. Lori expertly parallel parks the car only to find out the spot was only good for 20 minutes. A very Los Angeles problem moment. The pair regroup, eventually park so they can shop at stores such as Gwyneth Paltrow's store, Goop, in Brentwood.