Being a parent is multifaceted. All of those many sides are expensive. It can be hard to try to keep up and stay within a budget, especially when one feels judged by others for it. One mom experienced this on a recent family outing to the Oakland Zoo.
Brooke, who goes by @brookesobasic on TikTok, shared her experiences being judged for her stroller brand. It was not a good feeling. Her video has gone viral, perhaps because many people had similar experiences, which they shared in the comments.
"I never thought my stroller would enable classist side eyes," Brooke captioned her post. "Every single stroller or like baby device that I see that's going by is like an UPPA, UPPA Vista, Mockingbird, the Wonderfold. And I'm pushing my Graco. And I feel like people are judging me because of my Graco baby stroller," she explained in the video.
In case you are not up on your stroller prices, an UPPA Vista V2 costs $999.99. A Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller goes for $450. A Graco NimbleLite Lightweight Stroller goes for a much more reasonable $119.99.
More from LittleThings: These 15 Strollers Cost More Money Than A Brand New Car… #8 Is BRILLIANT!
"I went to the park the other day with my Baby Trend!! stroller & I'm not kidding every single person had a Wonderfold & they weren't friendly," wrote one user.
"I feel you," chimed in another. "I just jumped from Evenflo Xpand Gold to Nuna Mixx Next for the same reason."