During an interview with Today, Lisa Niemi Swayze opened up about how she still feels her late husband's presence every day. American actor Patrick Swayze died in 2009. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer around two years earlier.
"His voice is in my head," the writer shared. "He comments on what I’m doing. When I need a bolstering up or something’s going on, I can ask him in my head, and I hear exactly what he’s saying, which is generally, ‘Come on, girl, get real.’”
The couple was married for 34 years. Lisa was 18 when they wed, and Patrick was 23. They remained side by side until the actor died at the age of 57.
More from LittleThings: 10 Surprising Things You Never Knew About The Late Patrick Swayze
“Just because somebody’s gone doesn’t end your relationship with them," she explained. "We spent 34 years together, and that’s always going to be a part of my life and who I am.”
Lisa also shared Patrick's first symptom of pancreatic cancer. One day Patrick asked if his eyes looked yellow, and things moved quickly from there.
She said, "But it was mostly the yellow eyes that sent us to the doctor. He said, 'Oh, we’ll go in next week.' But I thought, 'Yellow eyes just doesn’t sound normal. We need to go tomorrow.' We went to the doctor and the moment he looked at him and saw what was going on, he sent us immediately for a CT scan."
She added, "Then we had a grueling 24 hours to wait while we got the reports back. It was a really tough time. Your life just turns on a dime."
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