Bouncer Took One Look At 2 Plus-Size Models And Fat-Shamed Them, Now They’re Speaking Out

Fat shaming can cause a variety of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, and even lead to the development of harmful eating disorders.

This video shared by Inside Edition details the story of two plus-size models who both say they experienced fat shaming by a club bouncer who didn’t want to let them into a popular nightclub.

Ella Halikas is a well-known and successful plus-size model with 700,000 followers on social media. Ella promotes body positivity on her social media accounts and, along with her fellow model friend Alexa Jay, says that a bouncer stopped them from entering a Hollywood club and proceeded to only let in their thinner friends.

“Every other girl that got let in … was thinner. We felt like we were isolated, that we were plucked out of a crowd of girls,” explains Ella.

She goes on to explain that she felt as though the bouncer took one look at her and her plus-size friend and fat-shamed them by not permitting them entry into the Los Angeles nightclub with their friends.

Both women were so outraged by the experience that they took to their social media accounts to record and share their feelings.

“If you’ve experienced any type of discrimination like this, you know exactly how horrible and disgusting it feels and we are no longer letting this fly,” Alexa Jay says in a video posted on social media alongside Ella.

Their hashtag #nottonight has accumulated over 2 million views by people in support of stopping fat shaming and discrimination like this once and for all.

To learn how the club in question responded to this matter, watch the full video from Inside Edition.