Woman Accuses State Trooper Of Groping Her On What Should Have Been Routine Traffic Stop

In a distressing incident that challenges public trust and highlights the need for accountability, a state trooper has been accused of misconduct for reportedly groping a woman during a routine traffic stop.

Inside Edition shared a video of the footage that was captured on the trooper's dashcam. The woman, Patricia Wilson, a mother of two, was driving a pickup truck and got pulled over. When the trooper approached her vehicle and asked for her license and registration, it seemed like a normal routine traffic stop.

The events that followed his request were anything but normal. The trooper asked Patricia, “Did you take any prescription medication or anything?” to which she replied, “No, I do no drugs, no nothing swear to God.”

The Tennessee trooper then told Patricia to put her hands on the hood of his police cruiser so he could frisk her. According to Patricia though, the trooper was actually groping her.

She stated, “You can’t see underneath the hood of the car where his hands are, how far in my pants he is, and how long it takes him to remove his hands from that area.”

Afterward, the trooper then asked her if she had anything in her bra, to which she replied “No.” The trooper then conducted a field sobriety test on her. The whole process took 15 minutes. After all that was done, she was issued a ticket for not wearing her seatbelt.

After she was given the ticket, the trooper allowed her to head to work. To her surprise, on her way back home, she was pulled over again and by the same trooper from that morning.

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The reason for him pulling her over this time was because he said the tint on her windows was too dark and claimed she was driving erratically. Patricia stated, “I felt like I was harassed and stopped.” When asked if she thought he was following her, Patricia replied, “Yes, I think he was waiting.”

The trooper, Isaiah Lloyd, was investigated by the district attorney. It found his actions were "inconsistent with his training," but there was "no basis for a criminal charge" against him.

To view the whole story, click the video.