The love of our pets is a universal condition. It translates into many languages around the world and is an international phenomenon. This is why when looking for inspiration for a name for your dog, foreign languages are a great place to start.
This is especially true if you love international travel or want to honor a culture. There’s more than one way to say I love you. Sometimes it involves a whole other language, like barking.
We love our dogs, which is why the name Amor is perfect. It means love in Spanish. Every time you say your pups' moniker, you will affirm your affection for them. Even when telling them not to eat your favorite shoes.
For your fierce pup, consider the name Senshi. It means warrior in Japanese. Dogs with this name are sure to protect their family from outside threats, like the mailman or the neighborhood feral cats.
More from LittleThings: The Best Travel-Inspired Names For Dogs Who Love To Roam
Many believe that dogs are a gift to humanity from a divine source. If this aligns with your beliefs, the name Loni could be a great fit. It means heavenly in the Hawaiian language. All dogs do go to heaven, just like the 1989 film taught us, after all.
Dogs take up a big part of their owner’s heart. Kokoro is Japanese for heart. See where we are going here? The name is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Dogs are loyal creatures who like to protect their family. Some dogs are extra and that’s even their official job. Vedette is Italian for guardian. It would be a great name for a guard dog, official or not.
French is the unofficial language of love and one of five Romance languages. Chérie is a term of endearment meaning dear or darling. Calling your canine companion this name will put you in a good mood instantly.
Domestic dogs are directly descended from wolves. Lupo means wolf in Italian. This name honors the evolution of the species.