Waiter Is Fired From His Job For Taking Unused Food And Giving It To His Elderly Neighbor

Unfortunately, sometimes when you choose to do the right thing, it doesn’t always end up yielding the results that you had hoped for.

This video story posted by Wonderbot tells about a waiter who was fired from his job for taking unused food and giving it to his elderly neighbor.

Ethan was a waiter who worked long 12-hour shifts at a restaurant most days. One day after work, he was walking home with some leftover food from work when he finally arrived at his house but was having trouble with his old door and lock.

“Twist, don’t pull!” Ethan heard come from behind him. He discovered that it was his elderly neighbor, who lived in the house behind him.

During this interaction, Ethan discovered that his neighbor’s name was Carol. Carol then reluctantly divulged to the young man that she hadn’t eaten anything yet that day.

Ethan decided to share some of his leftovers with Carol. As the two chatted, he learned all about Carol and her deceased husband and how they used to host parties for all their friends. Now it seemed that Carol didn’t have many friends left and spent most of her time on her own.

His time with Carol really made an impact on him, and the next time Ethan was at work, he decided to keep watch on the food to see what he might be able to take with him to share with Carol.

He dropped off the leftover food to an appreciative Carol and continued sneaking the leftovers in his backpack at the end of each shift for over a week. Unbeknownst to him, his manager had spotted what Ethan had been doing, and Ethan actually ended up getting fired.

To find out what happened the next day, watch the full video story from Wonderbot.

While we can’t verify the facts of the heartwarming story told here, we think you’ll be delighted with its sense of wonder and serendipity. We could all use a break from the cycle of negative news. Enjoy!