They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. This is a rare case where these two sayings intersect. One woman is putting her husband’s mistress on blast in writing.
This unnamed wife, who lives in the gated community attached to the exclusive and celebrity-filled Sherwood Country Club, wanted her neighbors to know who exactly her husband’s mistress was because she worked at the club. So she sent members an open letter. The club’s members include Mel Gibson, Caitlyn Jenner, Wayne Gretzky, Jack Nicholson, Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone, and Justin Timberlake. This woman was not messing around.
This woman did not mince words. “To my horror, I recently found out my husband had been romantically involved with one of our tennis club employees,” she began.
She wasted no time in naming the employee, giving her first name and the first letter of her last name. The wife wanted to make sure there was no confusion on who the guilty party was. She felt it was her public duty.
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“I’m letting our community of respectable families and members [know] of this HOME WRECKER who’s working among us,” she went on to say. One can infer rage was oozing from her pores while writing this letter.
It has been difficult for her to see her husband’s mistress out and about. She nicknamed her the “Whore of Wimbledon.” The wife also claims the mistress has a “smug smile.”
This woman claims she is not actively seeking out the mistress, but she keeps popping up. “I’m trying hard to avoid her; keep her away from my children, but she’s there,” she writes.
It’s pretty clear she blames the mistress and thinks she is out of line. “She has no respect for this community. I never expected this to happen. We engage and are friendly to employees that work here and this is what happened to our family,” the wife continues.
She does finally acknowledge that her husband shares some of the blame. “My husband and I are working this out privately but I couldn’t remain silent,” she admits. “We chose this community for many good and healthy reasons but it’s been a nightmare. I have to see her in an exclusive club I belong to. I’m so sad this happened in my own paradise.”
Page Six reports that this letter is understandably the talk of the club. It is a juicy scoop, after all. It also says a source who works there told them that a formal investigation has been launched because of it. Time will tell if this letter was effective or a big mistake, but that’s probably all a matter of perspective anyway.