Will Smith has been spotted out two times in a row with a woman who media is calling Jada Pinkett Smith's doppelganger. While both women have shaved heads and similar skin complexions, the woman who's been in tow with Will is obviously not the actor's wife of over 25 years. Although photos show the two with a small amount of distance between them, they both attended shows at Miami's Art Basel event in South Florida and the woman had been seen hanging with Will's crew for the past couple of days.
Many fans are now speculating on what this could possibly mean for Will and Jada's marriage, even though the couple recently revealed that they'd been separated for some years. Still, the state of their marriage is unknown as Jada mentioned that she would never divorce her husband.
Some people don't believe the woman looks anything like Jada, however. "Looks more like Amber Rose," one person said, with others agreeing.
More from LittleThings: Jada Pinkett Smith Just Dropped The Bomb That She & Will Have Been Separated Since 2016
While the identity of this woman is still unknown, fans are hoping to get some clarity on who she is and why she's hanging around Will. Neither the actor nor Jada have commented on this subject matter as of yet.