Man Delivers Food To Disabled Woman After Hours But When His Boss Finds Out He Gets Fired

Justin arrived back at the restaurant where he worked a little late after making his deliveries, and everyone else had gone home for the night. The kitchen was clean and the dining room was empty and dark.

Justin couldn’t help but look around the empty establishment and sigh to himself. He had a feeling that his manager would get on his case the next day because he had taken longer than expected with his deliveries, but he really was trying his best.

He was on his way to the locker room to change when the restaurant's phone rang. It wasn’t really a part of his job to answer the phone, but Justin figured that it might be his boss checking in with him, so he picked up.

After he said hello, he was met with a woman’s voice on the other end who told him that she was so happy that they were still open as she wanted to order some dinner. Justin promptly apologized and told the woman that unfortunately the kitchen was closed for the night.

The woman on the phone asked him if they might make an exception this one time as she had just arrived home from a long trip and had no food in the house. Justin paused for a moment and decided that it was this woman’s lucky night. He told her that he was happy to help out a customer in need and he wrote down her address and made his way to the empty kitchen.

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Justin had always dreamed of becoming a chef, but due to financial difficulties at home, he couldn’t afford to go to culinary school. Without a second thought, he happily whipped up the dishes the woman had asked for and headed out to deliver her meal to her at home.

To find out what happened to Justin when he was fired for delivering a meal after hours, and how his boss was connected to the disabled patron, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.

While we cannot verify the details of this story, we think you'll be interested in the outcome.