Sometimes when you witness an act of human kindness, it can ignite something in you to spread that joy and bring even further light and happiness into the world.
On a seven-hour flight from New York to London, a Scottish man named Jack Littlejohn gave up his first-class seat to an 88-year-old woman named Violet Allison.
Just as she was about to sit down, Jack took it upon himself to switch seats with someone with an economy-class seat. The pair engaged in a conversation and Jack came to learn that Violet was a former nurse who was on her way home after visiting her daughter.
According to HuffPost, a photo taken of the two new friends went viral on Facebook as a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant praised Jack for his act of kindness. The flight attendant went on to note that Jack’s new seat found him sitting “directly next to the economy toilets,” but he never said a word about it during the entire seven-hour plane ride.
When the news outlet asked Jack what made him decide to give up his seat to someone else in the first place, he explained that he “never liked the idea of first-class” because he doesn’t like the whole “inequality” of it all and how people have to pass by the “nice seats” in order to get to theirs.
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Jack also explained that his family was traveling back home after hosting a charity event in New York and his mom had purchased first-class seats as a nice surprise for everyone involved. He then decided that it would be nice to pay it forward, so when he took a quick walk back into the economy seats, he spotted Violet.
To hear more about this sweet story, click the video!