He's a father of 7, grandfather of 20, and has seen more than a century of life on this Earth. But do his 109 years slow Alfie down? Not in the least!
Alfred "Alfie" Date, Australia's oldest man, hasn't said "no" to much since 1931, when his sister-in-law asked him to knit her son a sweater. He must have taken quite a shining to it, because many decades later, Alfie is still knitting favors for friends, family, and foundations. Scarves, gloves, beanies for premature babies, and now… Penguin sweaters?
That's right! When Alfie heard about the PenguinFoundation and their desperate need for sweaters, he knew he'd be unable to resist the call to action. So, he got to work, knitting away the pint-sized "jumpers" (as Aussies call them) for the adorable aquatic birds.
And now, after 109 years of life, Alfie can add another accomplishment to his expansive list: going viral! The story of his generosity, kindness, and enduring spirit has touched people around the world – including me! I feel inspired to do more to help the world around me, for as long as I'm able to!
Please SHARE if you love feel-good stories like Alfie's!
These sweaters are cute, but they're also vital to the penguins' survival! And Alfie has helped to preserve these little guys!