Son Looks For Navy Dad For Decades, Then Pays $100 Online And Finds Man Who Looks Just Like Him

Nowadays, it's quite easy to find more information about one's family history. All you need to do is pay a fee and send a sample of your DNA to a laboratory, and a service can match your results with other people's. That's how you see if you are connected or share a family member.

But before the internet, trying to find a lost mom, dad, or sibling was not as easy. Ron Frohm spent decades trying to find his real dad with limited information. The now 61-year-old even tried to hire a private investigator but realized it would be too expensive to go through with his quest.

Ron says that he found out that the man who raised him when he was a teenager wasn't his real father. Since then, he had been looking for a Navy sailor by the name of Benjamin, but the information wasn't sufficient. His mother, who got pregnant and never spoke to the man again, didn't have any more information.

But when Ron visited, he realized that he could give the service a shot for just $100. He submitted his DNA and waited anxiously to hear back.

When the results came in, he got a match with his niece and nephew on his father's side. They connected him to his father and he received a photo.

The photo was shocking: Ron is the spitting image of 81-year-old Benito Cabrera. There could be no doubt that they are father and son.

The pair talked for two hours, and Ron learned that his father had been looking for him, too! They plan to meet for the first time as soon as possible.

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