They say that necessity is the mother of invention — and, at age 91, Barbara Beskind is proving just how true that old adage is.
Since she was just 10 years old, Barbara has had a passion for invention. As a child of the Great Depression, she knew that what she wanted or needed, she would have to make herself.
Her first design? A hobby horse made from old tires. Today, repurposing old tires would be considered a nifty "upcycle," but in the 1920s, it was a necessity.
Barbara so enjoyed inventing things that she decided to pursue a career in engineering and design. But she was told it would be impossible; colleges did not allow women into such programs.
So she turned instead to home economics, later enlisting in the Army and working as an occupational therapist. But many decades and milestones later, Barbara still felt a calling toward becoming an inventor.
She decided to do something a bit bold at the age of 89, and she taught us it's never too late to start again. I feel very moved by Barbara's story. She's an incredible inspiration, and her dreams deserve to be shared.
What dreams would you like to pursue, and what steps will you take to achieve them?
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