Attention Deficient Disorder, better known as ADD, is an attention disorder that causes limited focus and hyperactivity.
It is most commonly associated with children, and that is for a good reason. According to the CDC, about 11 percent of children aged 4 to 17 suffer from ADD. The percentage of children diagnosed with ADD continues to grow yearly.
While the disorder is associated with children who cannot seem to pay attention or sit still, in a manner that isn't just common for your average child, it isn't often discussed that ADD can persist into a child's adult life.
One dad, Penn Holderness, that has been living with ADD for years decided to not just talk about it, he wanted to write a rap about it, to the tune of Naughty By Nature's "O.P.P." I don't have ADD, but I can't help but admit this tune is catchy!
The video starts out comically, with Penn's daughter finding the remote in the fridge — again! After that, Penn launches into a rap that highlights the many different thoughts that go through his head while dealing with his ADD and being a parent at the same time.
If you enjoy this dad's song, you will also love this video of a dad singing a parody of Adele's hit song "Hello" while feeding his baby!
Don't forget to SHARE this with all of your friends and family!
[H/T: Huffington Post]