Daughter Surprises Mom With Adoption News And Granddaughter

For some people, having a child of their own is something they dream about for years. Unfortunately not everyone can have a baby "the old-fashioned way."

The good news is that just because you can't have your own baby, that doesn't mean you won't ever be a parent.

With adoption agencies all over the world, there are always children in need of a loving family; though it can be a long, strenuous process before you are finally able to take them home, it can be incredibly rewarding for all involved.

When you do get to hold your baby in your arms for the first time, the emotions can be overwhelming, something we saw in the beautiful photos taken when a young couple met their baby for the first time.

For Laura Dell and her husband, nothing felt better than the day they were matched with their baby after going through the adoption process for a year, until they were able to introduce her to her grandma.

Seeing their struggles for the past year and being adopted herself, grandma is completely overjoyed when she gets the news, and it only gets better when her new granddaughter is brought into the room for her to see!

Laura and her husband are still finalizing the adoption for the beautiful baby, and accepting donations here.

Please SHARE this video with everyone you know and help other children get adopted, too!