Two young women gave their stepmother a Mother's Day gift she'll never forget.
Gabriella and Juliana Ruvolo are 20-year-old twins from New Jersey. They were just 8 years old when they first met their stepmom, Becky. Instantly, the three hit it off.
"We met as friends and then she became mom and it was just, from the start, it was like love at first sight," Gabriella told Good Morning America.
"We always went to her as we would a mom," Julianna added. "She was always there for us."
It was because of the beautiful relationship they share that the twins wanted to ask Becky a very important question, and they chose Mother's Day to do it.
The sisters gifted Becky a photo book. She couldn't believe her eyes when she read the big question.
"I was so caught off guard," she said.
"When I read that, it was just pure shock and an honor and the emotions of just like, 'Is this really happening?'"
"When I met the girls, I was very nervous, but we hit it off and they were 8 years old at the time. And it kind of just snowballed and flowed from there into our family," she shared.
The moment was especially great for dad Pete Ruvolo, who got to see his three favorite women come together in such a special way.
"To actually see it unfold, just filled me with such a feeling of pride, proud for my girls and for my wife," he shared.
"I know how happy that would make her and it really was such a special moment."
Watch the special moment in their TikTok!