All teachers have the responsibility of encouraging their students to let their creativity flow freely. Almost every time, the results are amazing. Seeing a student blossom and find what makes them tick is every teacher's dream.
Sometimes, though, a teacher sees a side of a student that surprises them, and not in a positive way. Whether it's an inappropriate remark, or something that leads the teacher to worry about the safety of the child, there are tons of stories out there.
Art teachers get to see some pretty crazy creations. Sometimes it's impossible to understand how kids come up with this stuff. Art teachers can also help to identify a problem in the child's personal life, when it starts to show though their art, and get them the help that they need.
These nine stories recount some pretty strange student-teacher interactions resulting from the kids' artwork. From hilarious to heartbreaking, these kids are all going to grow up to be some pretty eccentric people, that's for sure.
Did your kid ever come home with a strange piece of art like this? Please SHARE with your family and friends to see their kids' craziest art creations.
[H/T: Reddit]
Thumbnail source: Flickr / Peter Ng
1. They're watching you — eek!

"I had a 2nd grader come up to me while I was still a student teacher in the art room. He showed me a drawing that looked like a stick figure in a cave. I said 'it's great! Why don't you tell me about it?' (Kids react better to that than 'what is it?') His response? 'It's me watching you sleep!'" – BloodFleshBones
2. When you let the imagination run wild...

"I teach English to Japanese kids. Text book had them draw their ideal pet. A 10-year-old drew a human chained up in a cage, with an electric shock box attached to them with wires." – karlamarxist
3. The "cool" superintendent

"I once painted a picture a a giant psychedelic squirrel holding a human head in its paws like an acorn. The superintendent of our school system bought it at my senior art show for $200 and it still hangs in his house today." – Clantron
4. Sometimes you're looking a bit too hard

"Art teacher here. I had a Kindergartener draw a bunch of long triangles with handles and red spray coming off of them, looking like the way a 5-year-old would draw a knife or a dagger. And lots of blood. I asked him to tell me about his drawing and he got all shy and wouldn’t say anything.
"I kept his drawing and showed it to his babysitter who picks him up from school and relayed my concern. She scoffed and said 'Oh that's just a rocketship. He draws them all the time.' Turns out the red was fire, not blood. What I saw as the handle of a knife was the booster engine of the rocket. Facepalm. I should have known, the kid is obsessed with rockets…" – quiteatoughlass
5. Floral wallpaper might not be the best for those with wild imaginations

"My cousin loves to draw, when she was about 4 years old she showed me a paper full of eyes. I asked her what was she trying to convey, she said 'Eyes, I see many many many eyes in my room at night.'" – DeseoX
6. Thank goodness his teachers found out

“I’m not an art teacher, but I am a student teacher. On my first year of placement rounds, I was in a class with grade twos, the students were drawing pictures of the different emotions they felt. One of the students drew this.” – suchlame
7. Not everyone's destined for the arts

"Second grade self portraits are nightmare sauce. Jagged teeth, big bug eyes, pointy ears. Everything is terrifying." – mansadamngoblin
8. At least the tree was modest...

"In 4th grade my art teacher berated me for drawing a tree wearing underwear." – p_a_schal
9. This is just truly terrifying

"I have an open ended project where kids make paper characters. There are always a lot of hilarious ideas, but the one that scares me the most is a living pizza with rainbow arms and legs sporting a purple leopard print thong and his pepperoni hanging out." – Veeter
Art class is our chance to really see into the minds of our children. Sometimes, their art tells us more than what their words say. Other times, though, it’s just downright absurd.
Please SHARE these surprising art class stories with your family and friends on Facebook, and let us know about any of your own in the comments.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.