There was an absolutely jaw-dropping moment on The Drew Barrymore Show recently, and it didn't even happen onstage. It was the doing of one of the audience members.
Drew was posed a question to her audience. She asked, when you don't like your friend's partner, do you speak up or not? When a man was handed the microphone, his girlfriend chimed in and told a totally unrelated story about him.
"You ruined everything," the woman began, telling Drew and the rest of the audience what he did when she proposed marriage to him in public.
"Two days ago, I asked him to marry me on the Brooklyn Bridge," she shared. "And he said to me, 'This is embarrassing. Get up.'" She said to her boyfriend, "Yes, you did that!" as he shook his head in embarrassment.
Drew was completely stunned as the woman told the story. Her jaw was practically on the floor when she asked, "What does this have to do with a friend?"
"I had to do this," the woman explained of outing her boyfriend's behavior.
Watch the shocking clip to see the moment for yourself.