Families come together in all different ways. At least, that's how it came to be that one pair of Australian siblings can be twins but also be two years apart in age.
Sarah Sargent shared the fun fact with her TikTok followersin 2021, never expecting for it to get over 9 million views. The 19-year-old has a 21-year-old brother, Will. Despite the years between them, the two were conceived at the same time.
Sarah just learned the fact herself, which is how she came to share it with her followers. "My parents 'forgot to tell me' apparently," she captioned the video.
Sarah explained how it's possible that she and brother Will are twins. The two were conceived on the same day via in-vitro fertilization. The procedure was successful, with a high success rate of embryos fertilized. Her parents picked the two strongest embryos.
"I was defrosted and implanted around 12 months after my twin brother Will was born, in January 2001," Sarah told the New York Post.
"I was born in October 2002, 21 months later."

If the same process happened under natural fertilization, the two would be fraternal twins. Sarah came to find out after making a joke about being adopted to her dad, which he said he knew for a fact wasn't the case.
"My dad was driving me to school," she recalled.
"He then said, 'Well, I know for a fact you aren't adopted because Will is your twin brother.'"
Sarah and Will's parents explained they waited until both were old enough to understand to tell them.
"It has really taken me up until a few of months ago to properly accept it and I am still amazed by it to this day," she shared.
"I never imagined that the TikTok would go viral the way that it did. It wasn't until I posted the story to my TikTok and it blew up to over 9 million views that I realized how cool it actually is," Sarah continued.
Sarah said that finding out didn't change anything between her and Will, though they're closer than ever.
"We’ve always been great friends," she said.
"If anything, it has made us closer. I think there is something about having a twin that is really special."