When Rachel Carter saw a 12-week scan of her baby, nurses thought it had to be girl because of the lush hair that was already appearing in the scan.
“We could see that the baby had so much hair," she said. "They had never seen a scan photo like it before."
A month later, Rachel and her husband, Gareth, discovered the baby was a boy.
Little Bobby was born with a head of lush, dark brown hair. Nurses at first thought the hair might fall out. Instead, it has turned a robust red.
“When he was born, he was like a celebrity," Rachel recalled. "The doctors were calling people around to come and look, and everyone on the ward wanted to hold him."
Rachel added that when she goes out now, Bobby's red hair tends to grab people's attention.
“People have to stop to look at him. One lady even stopped her car in traffic and shouted, ‘Oh my God, look at that baby’s hair!”
While Rachel was born with a lot of hair, and her older son was, too, neither compare to Bobby's thick head of hair.
“My mom told me that I was born with a lot of hair, too, but [Bobby] gets his hair color from his dad," she said. “I have to blow-dry it, otherwise it stands on end, and people think he looks like Wolverine. He finds it relaxing and even plays with his hair to send himself to sleep."