I think we can all agree: There's nothing in the world cuter than a baby bum!
After all, there must be a reason that a baby tush has been selling sunblock for years, and that even this kitty cat can't resist such an adorably chubby target!
For new parents, there's nothing more irresistibly cute than a newborn baby's pinchable tookus.
As an added bonus, theres no better way to create a memento of your baby's tiniest days than with a baby bum print that reminds you of when they were just this big.
As they get bigger (and distinctly less adorable,) it's a charming way to remember a time when they were so small that you could practically cup their bum in the palm of your hand!
Plus, it's a reliable way to "OMG totally embarrass" your kiddos once they turn into teenagers!
Check out how are friends over at Lost My Name turn a baby bum print into a work of art below.
For this particular craft, all you need is some non-toxic, skin-safe paint — and, of course, a baby bum!
Dab a coat of paint over your little one's cheeks, and then have them sit down on a sheet of paper.
The paint should come off with a little soap and water, and will be much preferable to cleaning up a diaper explosion anyway.
Once your baby-bum print dries, you can doll it up however you want!
A simple print makes for a cute addition to any baby book, especially with the date scribbled below.
You could also add some baby foot and hand prints to complete the picture.
Of course, if you're feeling more artistic, you can also turn your baby-bum print into a work of art to hang in your house for years to come.
It's a piece of art you'll cherish more than any expensive piece of furniture or professional painting.
For example, add a couple of lines to those printed buns, and you have an adorable elephant!
We also love the idea of turning the baby bum into a pair of little chicks, like they did here!
Just draw some feathers and beaks around the prints, and you have an adorable pair of birds.
We also can't help but think that this would be a beyond cute birth announcement for a newborn.
Other parents have taken the trend in different directions.
For instance, one mom on Instagram immortalized her little one's baby bum by having it printed on a decorative plate!
With a few additions, it becomes a little pumpkin, complete with her baby boy's name and year of birth below.
You can also make the trend into a more fleeting memento — though you should obviously snap a photo for posterior-ity!
For fall and Halloween, lots of moms paint an orange pumpkin under their baby's buns.
If you'd rather wait until spring, you could also try a pair of Easter eggs, one per cheek.
No matter what route you take, baby bums are too adorable not to celebrate somehow!
Whether you immortalize them in print, or just catch that one so-good-you-had-to picture, you can rest safe in the knowledge that you already got a jumpstart on humiliating your future teenagers, and you can't put a price on that!
You can see more great crafts and recipes on Lost My Name, and you can also follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
What do you think of the "bum print" trend? Would you ever try it? Let us know and don't forget to SHARE with moms and grandmoms!