Not too many of us face the kind of hurdles Ward Miles knew in life, especially since he'd only been in the world for a few precious hours.
Ward was born three-and-a-half months early. Feeding tubes and intensive treatment meant he couldn’t even feel the warmth of his mother’s arms until four days after he was born.
Weighing just a pound and a half at birth, he needed all the warmth he could get.
But his mother savored every second of her fleeting opportunities to press Ward against her heart.
His father, Benjamin Scot Miller, was also there documenting those early, precarious days. He knew Ward was going to get through this.
And he was right.
The result is a stunning video, commemorating the first year of a fragile, precious life and the people — the doctors, nurses, staff, and especially the parents — who rallied around him.
In fact, Benjamin dedicated the video to medical staff “all over the world that make it their life's mission to help babies get better.”
We’ve seen doctors perform miracles, even catching a baby in mid-air. And nurses? Well, they can be everyday miracle workers.
But this was no solo effort.
Before going home, Ward would spend 107 days in an intensive care unit. However, never for a second was he alone.
As you can see in this video, he emerged from his ordeal a healthy, beautiful baby boy.
If this video made you cry in the best way possible, please SHARE it with your loved ones!