Choosing a baby name is tricky. There are thousands upon thousands to choose from, and it's tough to find the right balance between uniqueness and tradition.
If you're a nature lover, botanical baby names are a great theme to go with. There are a ton to choose from, including classics like Rose and Daisy, and less common options, like Clover.
While many botanical baby names are for girls, plant-themed baby names are popular for boys as well. Not all of these names come from the names of flowers. Many also come from the names of trees, shrubs, herbs, or entire habitats.
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Garden-themed baby names are rising in popularity these days. The trend likely has something to do with how much younger generations care about nature and the environment. Some botanical baby names are very quirky and fun, which also makes them appeal to younger parents.
Here are 22 cute and trendy botanical baby names along with their meanings.
1. Ash

Ash is a lovely baby name for a boy. Ash is a type of tree whose name derives from the Old English æsc, meaning "spear." Variants of Ash include Asher, Ashton, or Ashley.
2. Camellia

Camellia is the name of a beautiful flowering evergreen plant. The leaves and buds are used to make tea.
This baby name is special enough to stand out, yet still similar to some more common names, like Camille.
3. Clementine

Clementine is the perfect name for a quirky, fun baby girl. The potential for nicknames is endless, such as Clem, Tina, Emmy, Cleo, Minnie, and Clo.
Fun fact: Clementines are different from tangerines. Both are members of the mandarin orange family, but clementines are smoother-skinned, sweeter, and seedless.
4. Clover

Clovers are associated with good luck and prosperity, specifically the four-leaf clover. The clover is also the symbol of Ireland, where it is known as a shamrock. As a baby name, Clover gives off a playful and fun energy.
5. Dahlia

The dahlia is a flower that was named after the Swedish botanist, Anders Dahl. It's a popular flower for bouquets, and the name happens to be beautiful as well. This name is still relatively rare and unique, though it has risen in popularity over the last few decades.
6. Daisy

Daisies look like tiny little suns, and the word "daisy" makes for a bright, happy, cheerful baby name. The word "daisy" comes from the Old English word dægeseage, or "day's eye." How cute is that?
7. Florian

Floral names are not just for girl babies! Florian, traditionally a boy's name, comes from the Roman name Florianus, which derives from the Latin word flos, meaning "flower." The name is not that popular in the US, but it is quite popular in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
8. Forrest

Forrest Gump may be the most famous Forrest around, but this name has a long history beyond that movie. The name means "dweller near the woods," and it is an English surname that is now also used as a given name. It declined in popularity for a while after the release of Forrest Gump, but it's now rising again.
9. Heather

Heather is now such a popular name for girls that many people may not even realize that it was originally the name of a plant. Heather is the name of a type of shrub that grows in rocky areas and produces lovely pink or white flowers. It was first used as a baby name in the 19th century.
10. Indigo

The indigo plant produces a natural purple-blue dye with a long history of use in many parts of the world. Indigo dye was used in ancient India, Japan, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Peru, Iran, and Africa. Indigo is also a great baby name with lots of personality.
11. Iris

The name Iris has a double meaning. Irises are a type of flower, commonly found in bouquets. Iris is also the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. The iris was considered a symbol of power and majesty in ancient Greece. That makes this a colorful yet empowering floral baby name.
12. Juniper

Juniper is a type of small evergreen tree that produces berries, which are used to flavor gin. The word has had many associations over the years, but nowadays, the name is considered a very earthy, nature-y baby name.
13. Maple

Another tree name, Maple immediately evokes thoughts of sweetness and golden autumn colors. Maple trees are most famous for producing a sweet sap, which we turn into syrup to flavor our pancakes. The sap in maple trees starts to rise as the days turn warmer in late winter or early spring.
14. Oakley

Oakley is a unique baby name for a boy. It is an English surname that is rising in popularity as a given name. It means "oak clearing" or "oak meadow." The ending is derived from the Old English leah, meaning "clearing."
15. Oliver

Oliver actually comes from the French name Olivier, which in turn comes from the Germanic name Alfher. The spelling changed over time, however, due to its association with the Latin word oliva, meaning "olive tree." Oliver was one of the top 10 most popular baby names for boys in 2018. Olive and Olivia are other variants.
16. Parker

Parker is a sweet baby name for boys or girls. This is another name that started out as a surname. In Middle English, a parker was a park-keeper, gamekeeper, or someone who worked in a park. It remains a very popular name, both as a surname and a given name.
17. Reed

The name Reed is derived from the Old English read, meaning "red." However, reed is also the name of a tall, grass-like plant that grows in wetlands around the world. Another spelling of this name is Reid.
18. Rose

Rose is a classic floral baby name that has remained popular as a given name or middle name for centuries. There are many variants of this name, including Rosa, Rosie, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rosaria, Roseanne, and Rosina. The name is of Latin origin, from rosa, meaning "rose."
19. Rowan

Rowan is a popular gender-neutral baby name, though it's often used for boys in England, Ireland, and Scotland, where it is of Gaelic origin and means "little red-haired one." The rowan tree produces bright red berries and white flowers.
20. Rue

Rue is another word for regret, but it also has some much more positive associations. Rue is the name of an herb that is used for cooking, medicine, and decoration. It's also the French word for street.
21. Savannah

Savannah is a baby name as well as the English word for a large, grassy plain with no trees, also spelled savanna. Around the world, the name is most popular in America. The word savanna comes from the indigenous Taino word zabana.
22. Willow

A willow is a type of tree that grows by water. The trees are known for their long, drooping branches, and their bark is used as a natural medicine to provide pain relief. The name Willow is rather feminine and elegant.
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