Young Boy Finds A Best Friend In His Pet Duck

The friendships between humans and animals can be quite odd. This strange human-wolf partnership seems almost impossible to sustain because of character of the animals, and this little moose's dependence on a passerby is out of this world! And among these strange friendships is the one between a boy and his best duck friend.

For those of us who didn't know that ducks could make such lovable pets, this footage comes as such a surprise. Meet 10-year-old Jonny, who's had his pet mallard, Nibbles, for a year. And over the course of that year, the two have forged an unbreakable bond. Jonny has had Nibbles since the little duck was born, and they have been inseparable ever since. The boy's mom even records all of their adventures for their website.

The two do everything together. Nibbles greets Jonny in the car when his mom picks him up from school, and the boy returns his love with some affectionate kisses on his beak! They go on bike rides and watch TV together, among many other activities. Nibbles even sleeps next to Jonny!

Watch closely how the two interact: the love between the two is palpable. Jonny showers the duck with hugs and kisses, and a content Nibbles quacks away!

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