7-Year-Old Boy Alerts Mom To House Fire

As parents, we tend to constantly think ahead so that we are prepared for anything that might come our way. We know exactly what to do if we get into a car accident with one of the kids in the vehicle, we have warned our kids about strangers and leaving with people they don't know, and we have even taught them how to find us if they ever get lost.

The one thing that never crosses our mind though, is that our kids might actually be the ones who save us from one of these scary situations.

Like the 5-year-old girl who saved her mother's life by calling 911, the boy in this story saves his mother's life when he follows his instincts.

When 7-year-old Bradley Beloin woke up in the middle of the night and saw flames outside his window, he screamed "fire" to alert his mother before they both escaped the burning New Jersey home.

Now, his mother says he's a hero for getting them both out safely, but he believes it was his prayer before bed that led to his "lucky" awakening for no reason in the middle of the night.

Although the home has severe fire damage, the two are thankful that Bradley followed his instincts and got them out in time, and we're guessing he will be saying his prayers every night before getting into bed!

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