Bride Is About To Walk Down Aisle When Dad Stops To Grab Sobbing Stepfather So He Can Join

There’s no doubt that weddings can be a stressful time for brides. Often, she’s not only taking her own opinion into consideration, but also the thoughts and suggestions of family members. In fact, she has to think about seating arrangements, the food, the whole day, really!

Not only does the bride want to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings, she also wants to have the most memorable day.

One bride named Brittany not only has a dad, she also has a supportive stepfather in her life. She needed to choose which one would walk her down the aisle. Her stepdad didn’t mind, gladly sitting in the audience while the ceremony started.

But it was her dad, Todd, who thought it wasn’t right for Brittany’s stepdad (also named Todd) to just sit and watch. In fact, he decided that both Todds should be involved in the ceremony!

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Right before he was about to walk his daughter down the aisle, Todd made a bee line to the stepdad.

Keep scrolling to see what Todd had up his sleeve, and how the guests and bridal party reacted.

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Brittany Bachman was getting married on September 26, 2015, and like many brides, she had a dad and a stepdad who were both present in her life.

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Her parents divorced when she was only 6 years old, and it was a messy custody battle. "I was in kindergarten," she told CBS Evening News.

Her mom eventually remarried, but her biological dad and stepdad were not friendly to one another.

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Her biological dad, named Todd Bachman, wanted sole custody of his daughter.

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Brittany's stepdad, Todd Cendrosky, was a huge part of her life growing up, and she loved him dearly.

When it came time to get married, Brittany was torn between who she would ask to walk her down the aisle.

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On their wedding day, the bride had decided to stick to tradition and have her biological dad walk her down the aisle.

However, at the last second, her dad had an idea: he stepped away from his daughter and walked over to the guests, who were already sitting down.

Facebook / Delia D Blackburn Photography

"I walked down the aisle, grabbed Todd and said, 'come on.'" Brittany's biological dad told CBS Evening News.

Facebook / Delia D Blackburn Photography

"He said, 'You had just as much of a part in this and raising these kids as I did,'" Brittany's stepdad recalled. "You're going to come and help me walk our daughter down the aisle."

Which is exactly what he did! The wedding photographer captured the exact moment Todd grabbed Brittany's stepdad — and you can see just how emotional he gets.

Facebook / Delia D Blackburn Photography

The wedding continued, and Brittany was walked down the aisle by the two men she calls "dad."

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The photographer captured this amazing photo of the dads arm in arm after giving Brittany away. Years of conflict seemed to melt away.

Facebook / Delia D Blackburn Photography

"If that individual accepts your children and treats them as his own, how can you not have respect for somebody like that?" the bride's biological father said.

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Brittany's special day turned out to be absolutely perfect thanks to the kind gesture her dad offered her stepdad.

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