A Chicago love triangle turned deadly over the question of a kiss a few years back.
Claudia Resendiz-Flores, 28, was initially known to be a friend of 29-year-old James Jones and his girlfriend. The three were reportedly hanging out at Jones' apartment, where he'd been allowing Resendiz-Flores to stay, as well.
Things took a turn when Resendiz-Flores asked Jones for a kiss. He declined and instead turned to ask his girlfriend for a kiss. Resendiz-Flores asked again, and when she was turned down a second time, she grabbed a gun she knew was hidden in the couch.
All parties involved were drinking and having a good time before things turned violent. Sadly, Resendiz-Flores aimed the gun she retrieved at Jones. He tried to get the gun out of her hands as she switched the safety off. But she lifted her arms and shot him once in the chest.
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Jones died instantly. His girlfriend called 911. Resendiz-Flores did not flee the scene. She put the gun down in the living room and confessed to police when they arrived. She was charged with first-degree murder.
Later, details about the relationship between the three showed some deeper ties than initially reported. It turns out the Resendiz-Flores is married to another man, but separated. She is raising her three children alone.
Investigators later discovered that Resendiz-Flores had previously dated Jones. In fact, one or more of her children were believed to have been fathered by him.
Resendiz-Flores was held without bail and we are sure she had a lot on her mind thorughout the process of justice.