Having 11 kids seems like a lot — but mom Veronica Merritt would have six more if it were up to her. Even though she supplies every kid with plenty of love and affection, she still gets a ton of negative comments from others.
Some people ask if they're all from the same father. Others question whether or not she's familiar with birth control. But Veronica is happy with her life and has thought up plenty of hacks to make motherhood even more pleasant.
For one, she color-codes the kids. Each kid is assigned a color, and oftentimes they receive items based on that color.
Veronica has spent roughly eight and a half years of her life pregnant, which is a stat that might make many women cringe. Her first child was born when she was only 14 years old. Her last was born when she was 34. While the idea of more kids isn't necessarily off the table, Veronica knows it's probably for the best.
Even Veronica's sister is in disbelief over the number of kids Veronica has. But they all seem happy — and very close to each other.
It's possible that the color-coding system was also a way for the kids to keep track of one another. It's a genius idea that the whole family seems happy with.
"The color-coding system is incorporated into almost everything," Veronica said. "Anything I can find in their color I'll buy; their clothes, their toys, their sheets, towels, toothbrushes, cups and plates, it's almost obsessive."
The color-coding seemed to start without Veronica even realizing it. Her firstborn was a girl, so she had a lot of pink items. Her second was a boy, so she bought blue. As more kids came, they each got their own color until it worked its way into a system.
So, what's it like having so many siblings? Veronica's 13-year-old, Mara, said it best — living in a large family is "like being at a party but without music."
Veronica often posts about her color-coded kids on Instagram and TikTok, and she has built up a following. But in this video, it's pretty obvious that she's doing something right. Watch the video and see how Veronica manages such a large family.