There's no better joy in the world for a couple than discovering there's a bun in the oven. And, many times, their relatives are just as excited to hear about the soon-to-be new addition to the family.
Nothing compares to seeing family members’ reactions to the news, especially when there is screaming and jumping involved.
In the following video, Sam and his wife Christin find some fun and creative ways to reveal the big news to their family members. They stealthily set up hidden cameras during each reveal, and you can't help but share in the joy at how these families handled the big "secret." From excited screams to joyful tears, it's so precious to see this family's special moment caught on camera.
Then, the moment this mom realizes that she's about to become a grandma is completely priceless and heartwarming— she certainly wasn’t expecting this! The expressions on everyone's faces is worth all the effort it took to put the video together.
And it gets even better. At 3:05, the couple get a very important call from their doctor — who makes another big reveal about the baby. What a joyful time for this family. Congratulations!
Watch below and please SHARE if you enjoyed this amazing family moment!