Dad Finds Filthy Pan In Trash, But Teen Daughter Is Horrified When He Brings It Home To Clean It

There is an old cliché that goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Of course, there are plenty of ways to interpret this.

Lots of DIY-ers see potential in unlikely places, but one dad decided to take the "trash to treasure" idiom very, very literally.

In what may go down in history as the ultimate dad move, Imgur-user edac2 noticed a scorched, filthy All-Clad pan in a pile of trash and saw an opportunity.

He writes, "I found a 12 inch All-Clad stainless steel frying pan in the garbage. Apparently someone gave up on it, but I was up to the challenge."

We all know plenty of dads who hate waste and love to stretch a dollar. This dad was no exception.

The hero of our story also has another important dad quality: He's totally impervious to teenage scorn, which came in handy when his mortified daughter learned that Pops had every intention of bringing home the grimy cookware and fixing it up.

When she finds out what he's up to, she immediately responded, "You are so embarrassing."

Scroll through to watch this dad's epic All-Clad journey unfold.

Imgur / edac2

Internet dad edac2 recently took to image-sharing site Imgur to show off a dramatic DIY transformation.

After finding a truly filthy All-Clad pan in the garbage, he gave it a top-notch spit shine — much to his daughter's dismay.

In fact, Dad was so excited about the find, and his early progress, that he texted his daughter right away!

Imgur / edac2

He admits the pan had definitely seen better days.

Dad even notes, "The pan WAS truly disgusting when I found it. All that white coconut-looking stuff looked like vomit."

All-Clad or not, we probably wouldn't have plucked it out of the trash.

Imgur / edac2

But according to him, the lack of branding on the bottom made the pan a classic: made from thicker steel. It "weighed a ton."

You can't argue with good craftsmanship. For him, it was worth scooping up out of the trash and bringing home.

In Dad's defense, a big All-Clad pan like that retails for more than $100; definitely worth cleaning up for someone brave enough.

Imgur / edac2

Not so surprisingly, his daughter isn't sold.

She is none too pleased about her dad's dumpster diving, even though he had a good eye.

My personal favorite threat is definitely, "Mom is going to yell at you." In classic dad fashion, Dad is seeming optimistic and completely unfazed.


To tackle the grease and grime, he just lathered the pan up with plenty of Barkeeper's Friend and let the cleaning product work its magic.

The cleaning foam worked through the gross layers, and then it was just a matter of scrubbing off the worst of the mess.

Imgur / edac2

Fortunately, it turns out that Dad has really good instincts.

Nothing like a little elbow grease to turn a garbage pan into a shiny new one!

After scrubbing the pan hard with a sponge, he returned it to its pristine former glory.

Imgur / edac2

You can even see his reflection in the pan, right next to the All-Clad logo!

That is one very nice pan, even if he did have to wade through literal garbage to get to it.

Imgur / edac2

His daughter still isn't too impressed.

In a truly characteristic teen move, she serves him some sass in the form of trendy-teen vocab.

Dad still doesn't really get what she means when she calls him "extra," but he's pretty sure it's a good thing.

Imgur / edac2

When all was said and done, Dad definitely got the last laugh.

Here's a look at the new pan in action, heating up some oil for a breakfast of fried eggs.

That sounds like a job well done to us!

Did you crack up over this dad's hilarious DIY or his sassy teen? Don't forget to SHARE with friends and family!