Dads: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
You know that you can always count on Dad to be there for you whenever you may need him, but you can also be pretty sure you can count on him to get on your nerves every now and again. It doesn't make you love him any less, of course. If anything, it's the annoying little habits that make you love your father even more.
I asked some fellow LittleThings employees what their own dads do that drive them up the wall, and their answers did not disappoint. I even added my own stories in for good measure. My father is my hero, but there are some things he does that drive me crazy!
Does your father ever do anything that you can't stand? Even if it infuriates you in the moment, I'm sure you can find a reason to laugh about it later on. These are the things that make each dad so amazing and special.
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook to see what their dads are like!
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"He'll hold the door, which is nice, but then he'll do it for a huge line of people so we always have to wait for him on the other side anyway. Nice for them, but makes me nuts." – Phil

"You don't need 'shade' that badly." – Anonymous LittleThings Employee

"Whenever I stay over at my parents' house, he gets up at the crack of dawn… and makes it known by singing loudly right outside my door." – Nicoletta

"I cannot leave him anywhere for too long, because he will fall asleep. He chaperoned my eighth grade model UN conference and went to sleep with a newspaper on his head in the back of the auditorium, to my everlasting shame." – Becca

"Whenever we go on vacation, my dad insists on wearing a sarong the entire time." – Kate

"If I don't answer my phone, my dad keeps calling and texting every half hour until I do – even if he knows exactly where I am/what I'm doing." – Sophie

"My dad likes to wear this one hideous shirt that he's probably owned since before I was born. We ask him not to because the print is so ugly (odd gray geometric shapes), but it's his 'dad shirt' and he'll never get rid of it." – Jess B.

"He refuses to use sunglasses that don't magnetize onto his normal glasses." – Ileana

"He doesn't understand that you don't need to say 'goodbye' on the phone more than once. Every time I try to get off the phone with him, I have to say 'bye, love you, bye, bye, talk later, bye' a few times over." – Grace

"He says super awkward things to my friends when he first meets them.
"Example: my friend in high school shaved her head.
"Me: Omg, you shaved your head!
"Dad (who is bald): HA HA, I DID TOO!" – Laura

"He'll never say exactly what he wants to do in order to appease the rest of the group. This is the worst when all we want to do is go out to eat. If he's the deal breaker for which restaurant to go to, he'll only ever say 'I'll go anywhere.' Just pick one!" – Grace

"He carries around a handkerchief and blows his nose loudly in it, even when we're in a crowded room. As if it weren't gross enough, he has to honk loud enough for everyone to turn and see!" – Phil
Does your dad ever do anything like this? Please SHARE on Facebook to see what stories your family and friends have to add!