When we were young, we all went through different phases of how we liked to dress. Some students went for darker colors while others favored a preppy look. Some of these looks weren't what we would sport today, but that's why our parents are around to help show us what we should be wearing.
When Bailee Freeman showed her dad the dress she wanted to wear to a school dance, he approved. She wore it, and he (as well as everyone in in the family) thought she looked stunning and that the dress was beautiful.
At least, it looked appropriate, in their eyes.
But when Bailee arrived at the dance, she was just one of dozens of young girls who had been turned away from Brookwood High School's gymnasium because their dresses didn't respect the dress code.
Wayne Freeman, Bailee's father, was outraged by the school's actions, but he definitely wasn't the only parent to feel this way. In fact, many claim that the actions weren't just unfair, but discriminatory, as many other girls were wearing even more revealing dresses at the same dance.
Many parents and students plan to protest the school's dress code. They plan to do so until it no longer unfairly young women who have been targeted.
What do you think about your child's school dress code? Let us know in the comments!
Please SHARE if you think every parent should be concerned about how their child dresses, but also speak up if they don't like the school rules.