Dad’s List Of ‘Rules’ For Dating His Daughters Is Extraordinarily Short And Brilliant

Many women recall the time in life when they first started thinking about dating.

Usually, sometime around middle school or high school, girls and boys start keeping an eye out for that special someone. For some girls, this means they can start spending time with their crushes.

But many girls have dating rules that their parents have given them. Whether that means just having an evening curfew or needing to have the date meet Mom and Dad before heading out, a lot of teen girls know exactly what their parents require when it comes to dating.

Lots of dads even like to joke that they won't let their daughters date until they're 30 or 40 years old.

Jeff Welch is a poet, a writer, and a dad. He recently posted the dating rules his daughters have to follow on Facebook, where the post instantly went viral.

Within just 10 days, the post had over 7,900 reactions and almost 38,000 shares.

Read Jeff's "Rules For Dating My Daughters" below!

[H/T: Huffington Post]

Facebook / J. Warren Welch

Jeff posted a photo of his 'rules' along with the caption, "I ain't raisin' no princesses."

His dating rules read as follows:

Rules for dating my daughters:

You'll have to ask them what their rules are.

Facebook / J. Warren Welch

I’m not raising my little girls to be the kind of women who need their daddy to act like a creepy possessive bad*ss in order for them to be treated with respect.

Instagram / @j.warren.welch

You will respect them, and if you don’t, I promise they won’t need my help putting you back in your place.

Good luck pumpkin.

Instagram / @j.warren.welch

Hundreds of people commented on Jeff's dating rules, praising him for his progressive attitude.

One woman wrote, "Best post to ever be written — the pumpkin part makes me laugh each time! Your daughters are lucky as hell to have such an amazing support."

Instagram / @j.warren.welch

A man commented, "Salute from one dad to another."

And another dad wrote, "This is ace! Thank you for articulating my sentiments exactly!"

Facebook / J. Warren Welch

And this isn't the first time Jeff has written about his daughters.

He also wrote the above post about how his daughters give him strength and purpose.

Instagram / @j.warren.welch

Did your parents give you dating rules, or did you take care of yourself when it came to relationships?

What do you think of this dad's ideas on dating rules?

Instagram / @j.warren.welch

If you think these girls have a great dad, please SHARE this article with your friends!