Once a month, us ladies are faced with a visitor that absolutely no one is excited about.
That's when Aunt Flo makes her way to town and usually throws off all of our plans. Nothing is worse than when she shows up unexpectedly and you have no supplies for her.
During those times, we usually rush to the store and buy everything in the tampon and pad aisle, then hit up the nearby candy and ice cream aisles.
However, we don't always have the time to go ourselves, especially if we're busy with work or just dying from cramps in bed. It is then that we need to ask for a savior, either a friend or family member.
Everyone vividly remembers the first time they asked their dad, boyfriend, or husband to buy them pads. Some men don't care about buying feminine hygiene products — though that doesn't mean they don't have questions.
That's where Tia Savva's father comes in. Although, he didn't mind buying them for his daughter, he was utterly confused when he got to the store.
[H/T: Scary Mommy]
Thumbnail Image Credit: Medium.com

Tia and her dad live in the U.K. When he got to the grocery store, he first texted her to ask where the sanitary napkins were. But that was only the first of many texts from him!
Who else has asked for Always brand and then had their significant other ask, "Always what?"

Dad started to get a little anxious while shopping. He even said he was getting weird looks. But given what he did when he picked up the pads, I think the weird looks maybe have been a little warranted!

Thankfully, dad got in and out unscathed. He even bought his daughter some chocolate after the ordeal! That is a true hero for the cause.

Tia shared her on Facebook her text exchange with her dad, and the post got over 22,000 shares. Obviously, this is something we've all been through — if not with our dads, then with a boyfriend, husband, or brother. It's also possible that some moms have even gotten their sons to buy them pads!

Everyone could relate to Tia's hilarious conversation with her dad, as we've all been there before!

Kudos to all the dads buying tampons or pads for their daughters, no matter how panicky it might make them feel.
Please SHARE this story with all of your friends on Facebook who can relate to this moment!