When you hear about a child having a common cold, you most likely will feel sad for them and hope to be able to help to make them feel better.
So can you imagine hearing that a child has a life-threatening disease, or needs a major surgery, like a lung transplant?
The emotions and thoughts that must run through your head are insane. Especially if that child is your own.
For Ray Martinez and Fanny Montes, that heartbreaking flood of thoughts came when their son was born.
Danny Martinez was born with pulmonary hypertension. This condition causes your heart to have to work much harder than it should, because there is not enough oxygen in your lungs, helping circulate your body.
In order for Danny to have the best possible chance at a good life, he'd need a lung transplant.
But, waiting for that lung transplant, and surviving through that lung transplant is no easy or quick task. And in the hospital near his Florida home, there was not much hope.
In search of survival, and answers, Danny's family went to Bostons Children's Hospital. Here, they met Mary Mullen and Francis Flynn-Thompson, who gave them exactly what they needed to help Danny survive and thrive past this medical obstacle.
Please SHARE this uphill battle and inspiring survival story from a beautiful family with your loved ones!