They say that if you want to find your prince, you have to kiss a few frogs. In today's dating world, that sentiment is more than true. While there are certainly a lot of good men and women out there that would be perfect to settle down with and marry, there are plenty more who just aren't the right fit for us. The worst is when you think you finally found the person you're meant to be with, but then they reveal they have that one quality that drives you absolutely bonkers.
We've revealed some of the things that men find unattractive in women before, and many of them are (thankfully) things that we can change if we're willing to compromise for the person we want to be with. But women aren't the only ones who often feel pressure to meet standards set by the opposite sex. In fact, there are also plenty of qualities that many men have that absolutely repulse women. Nobody's perfect, but sometimes, it feels as though we're constantly walking a fine line just to try to win the heart of the person we like!
If you're a man in the dating pool or just a curious woman, take a look at some of the most common deal-breakers that women say they encounter in the dating world. I don't consider myself super picky, but you can bet if a guy does number 12, I'll be running the other way as fast as possible!
Make sure you SHARE these dating deal-breakers with everyone you know!
1. He doesn't take care of his body.

He doesn't need to be a fitness model, but most people of either gender don't want to date someone who eats nothing but fast food and sits on the couch all day.
2. He's uneducated.

Someone who still thinks the Earth is flat and doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your" shouldn't expect to have a speedy exit out of the dating pool.
3. He's shallow.

Yeah, surface things like physical appearance and the kind of job you have can make you more attractive to other people, but if that's all that matters to him, he should plan on being single for a long time.
4. He has bad manners.

A guy who chews with his mouth open and interrupts you when you speak is not one that any sane woman wants to be with.
5. He's a flake.

It's honestly shocking how many guys are out there who are fine with standing you up on a date, ignoring your texts, and then calling you out of the blue a week later pretending like they weren't just total jerks.
6. He's closed-minded.

If it's his way or the highway, he'd better pack his bags because women don't have patience for guys who refuse to even consider other people's opinions.
7. He doesn't have good hygiene.

If he's an adult and still doesn't know how to shower and brush his teeth, he's never going to land the woman of his dreams.
8. He's arrogant.

Being confident is a huge plus. Thinking that the sun shines out your rear is not. A guy who thinks he's God's gift to women is usually just the opposite.
9. He's not over his ex.

Her photos are all over his house, he can't keep her name out of his mouth, and it's pretty clear he would still be with her if given the chance. If that's not a sign to run, I don't know what is.
10. He's a mama's boy.

We all love a guy who loves his mom, but there's a big difference between calling her because he loves her and calling her because he can't function if she's not taking care of him.
11. He's sexist.

Is he the type who makes jokes about women and sandwiches as though they're actually funny to anyone older than 13? Small wonder he's still single, huh?
12. He's rude to waiters.

If he's nice to you, but not nice to the waiter, he's not nice. Men who are rude to service people generally think that they're above everyone else, and lots of women are smart enough to know that it's only a matter of time before they're on the receiving end of such lousy treatment.
13. He overshares on social media.

Girls can be guilty of this, too, but when a guy details every insignificant detail of his life on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, it's a huge turnoff.
14. He's a slob.

Should a woman show up at a guy's house and find piles of dishes in the sink and trash all over his room, it's doubtful he's going to get any action or even a returned phone call.
15. He's jobless.

An exception can be made if he's working his butt off in school, but the rest of the time, a man who doesn't have a job is probably mooching off someone… And no woman wants that "someone" to become her.
16. He has anger issues.

If he's blowing up at the tiniest things, he shouldn't be surprised when he finds himself perpetually single.
17. He's a playboy.

There's nothing wrong with talking to multiple people at once before you're exclusive with someone, but a guy who plays the field too much while trying to play the wool over the eyes of numerous women will likely send any potential (serious) love interests running.
18. He's not responsible with money.

We all splurge every now and then, but a guy who spends all his cash on booze and other unnecessary things isn't one who will be financially responsible in a relationship, and women can smell that from a mile away.
Make sure you SHARE these deal-breakers with everyone you know who's looking for love!