Stephen Callaghan and his family live in a small village outside Sydney. Recently, Stephen's 12-year-old daughter, Ruby, came home from school, complaining about a sexist new policy.
To celebrate the end of the school year, Ruby's teachers announced a "Boy's And Girl's Day" with field trips and activities divided up between genders.
But when Ruby learned exactly what the day had in store for her and her classmates, she came home disappointed. There was a clear difference between day planned out for the boys and the day planned out for the girls.
Stephen wasted no time in taking out his anger on the school principal…

Stephen Callaghan lives in a small village outside Sydney.
He has a wife and three daughters.

This is one of Stephen's daughters, 12-year-old Ruby.

To celebrate the end of the school year, Ruby's school announced a Boy’s And Girl’s Day.
Ruby wasn't happy about the planned activities, and she came home to tell her dad about her disappointment.

The boys were scheduled to spend the day at Bunnings, an Australian hardware store, then partake in activities and a BBQ lunch.

Meanwhile, the girls were to stay in the school library where they'd have their hair and makeup done.

Stephen quickly recognized the Boy's and Girl's Day was divided into clear gender stereotypes… and he wasn't happy about.
A spokesperson for the school's Department of Education said students could choose either activity.
But Stephen insists that Ruby, who wants to be an engineer when she grows up, asked her teacher if she could go with the boys.
She says the teacher wouldn't allow it.

So, Stephen decided to take matters into his own hands by writing a scathing letter to his daughter's principal.
He then shared the letter on Twitter, where it quickly took off and went viral.

Dear Principal,
I must draw your attention to a serious incident which occurred yesterday at your school where my daughter Ruby is a year 6 student.
When Ruby left for school yesterday it was 2017 but when she returned home in the afternoon she was from 1968.I know this to be the case as Ruby informed me that the “girls” in Year 6 would be attending the school library to get their hair and make-up done on Monday afternoon while the “boys” are going to Bunnings.
Are you able to search the school buildings for a rip in the space-time continuum? Perhaps there is a faulty Flux Capacitor hidden away in the girls toilet block?
I look forward to this being rectified and my daughter and others girls at the school being returned to this millennium where schools activities are not divided among gender lives.
Stephen Callaghan

Many people responded on Twitter, praising the dedicated father for calling out the injustice.

Are you able to search the school buildings for a rip in the space-time continuum? Perhaps there is a faulty Flux Capacitor hidden away in the girls toilet block?
It seemed Stephen’s sarcastic time-travel analogy hit home for many readers while putting a smile on their faces.

Ruby felt her dad's letter was funny, but she also agreed with its sentiment wholeheartedly.
She thanked him for sending it to the principal.

Stephen and his wife work hard to instill confidence in their three daughters.

They teach the girls to speak up if they feel discriminated against just because of their gender.

This awesome dad and daughter duo are doing a great job getting their message out to the world.
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