The Derrico Family Explains How They’re Managing Being Stuck At Home With 14 Children

It's safe to say that 2020 hasn't worked out well for most of us. But for those of us with kids, it's been even more of a struggle. For weeks, certain items were off-limits. Schools have changed, and summer plans have been canceled. It's a big adjustment for everyone. But especially the Derricos, since they've got 14 kids at home. That's right. 14.

The Derricos had their children naturally. It just so happens that multiples run in their family. The family is getting ready to premiere their new TV seriesDoubling Down With the Derricos. In total, their family consists of two single children, quintuplets, triplets, and two sets of twins. Karen and Deon Derrico met at a nightclub and quickly married. In the series premiere, they have 11 kids and are awaiting the arrival of their triplets.

"Having four sets of multiples back to back? It's like getting struck by lightning while getting struck by lightning," Deon says in the promo. "Many parents know with just one child, two children, it's a job. But when you have soon-to-be 14, it's a job." However, the two are still smiling — even when faced with stay-at-home orders.

In fact, they've seen it in a positive view. With so many kids, they're able to entertain each other. So in a strange way, they seem to have the situation under control. It's the single children of the world whom Karen Derrico worries most about, since they're likely missing out on social interactions and playdates.

Watch the video to learn even more about the Derrico family and their upcoming series.