Norma Bauerschmidt is 90 years old. She was married to her husband, Leo, for 67 years when she got the news. It was uterine cancer and it was terminal. No one could have seen what happened next. A mere two days after Norma's frightening diagnosis, Leo died. Norma made the decision to reject surgery. That's when her son Tim, the only family she had left, told her that she can either live with him — on the road with his wife in an RV — or stay in a nursing home. Norma made the decision to go on the road. The result has truly been the road trip of a lifetime. In the process, she has gotten infinitely closer to her son Tim and has seen all the beauty the United States has to offer.
"I've never seen her smile so much," her son said. "This has allowed me to have discussions I never thought I'd have with my mom."
Tim had no idea his mom and dad met in a bar, not until this very interview with CBS! Norma has gotten to ride in a hot-air balloon, see Old Faithful at Yellowstone Park, and visit the Grand Canyon, to name a few. She's certainly lived a long life, but what a way to put the finishing touches on it with the most important people in her life. The trio have traveled 7,000 miles so far.
"They've given me a new lease on life, I should say," Norma said.
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