Any of us would love to pinpoint our own personal elixir of longevity. For one centenarian, her secret to long life is raising some eyebrows.
Elizabeth Sullivan just celebrated her 104th birthday, and she's still going strong. So strong, in fact, she tells CNN that she had her driver's license until January of 2014 at the age of 102. So what's she doing to keep her mind and body up to speed? Dr. Pepper. Three a day for 50 years, in fact.
"Two doctors have told me that if I drink it, I will die," she tells CNN's Gary Tuchman. "But they died first."
Now, Elizabeth may be a bit of a scientific anomaly. Time and time again we've been told that soda increases your chances of heart attack, affects your metabolism, and can result in excess weight gain. To that last point, we recently shared a story of a man who tested the short term effects of drinking 10 sodas a day for a month — which, among other things, led to a 20-lb. weight gain and tooth decay. And while Elizabeth isn't drinking 10 every day, three is still a pretty steep ingestion of soda.
I'm no doctor, but at 104 years young, Elizabeth should probably be able to enjoy whatever beverages she desires — and she seems to know it!
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