Little Boy Makes Friends With A Curious False Killer Whale At The Aquarium

A day at the aquarium is always fun! You get to see many different aquatic creatures in fun and environmentally thrilling settings.

Recently, one little boy was in for a treat when he visited a false killer whale. If you haven't heard too much about the false killer whale before, they actually like music! While Atticus and his mother were visiting Chester, they noticed that he was paying close attention to Atticus.

Much like these polar bears who followed a man's every move, Chester was mimicking what Atticus was doing. But not the movements Atticus made. He was following the movement of the tiny car Atticus had! Atticus had brought a toy with him for his day trip and had been playing with it while visiting Chester.

You can see in the video below that Chester is very interested in what the little toy is. Have you ever seen something like this before?

Don't forget to SHARE this curious whale with all of your friends and family!