Photographer Bails On Mom With Terminally Ill Baby, So A Stranger Gives Them A Free Shoot

When parents first find out that they're having a baby, their joy is overwhelming. They can't wait to bring this new addition to their family into the world, and share all of their joys with him or her.

But for many families, this joy is short-lived. Some moms lose their unborn children, while others find out that their child will be afflicted with a terrible ailment. Others learn their baby will be born, only to die after just a short while.

Mom Brianna Vallejos and her husband were devastated when they found out that their little boy Nathaniel was afflicted with a rare brain condition that would only give them a few precious months with him. But they decided to make everlasting memories with the infant.

Brianna's mother, Barbara bid $150 on a gift certificate for a professional photo shoot, praying that the 6-month-old would survive until then. But the day of the photo shoot, the unthinkable happened: The photographer never showed up, and did not answer the frantic calls and messages from the distraught family.

Devastated, the Vallejo's were quickly running out of time.

But an outpouring of love and support from their community helped get them what they wanted. A photographer offered his services free of charge, so that the parents of the terminally ill child could remember him the way Barbara says she wants to: as the happy baby he truly is.

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