Gender reveals seem to be everywhere nowadays. Every pregnant person who chooses to find out the sex of their baby prior to delivery wants to find a unique and fun way to share that news with loved ones. Of course, we've seen a number of stories recently of how a gender reveal can go wrong. Some are just funny fails, while others are dangerous and even deadly. It's clear that the fad has gotten a little out of control. YouTuber Paige Ginn decided to capitalize on that.
The comedian went viral in 2019 with her own answer to the gender reveal craze. In the video, you can see Paige lying on the floor, undressed from the waist down, before she reveals the gender of her baby in an unusual way — by farting. It didn't take long for the hilarious video to go viral, the ultimate commentary on gender reveals and their absurdity.

As a society, we've found ways to make life's little milestones more interesting. Many expectant couples do this with maternity shoots, baby showers and/or sprinkles, and, of course, gender reveals.

Gender reveals started out as a cute idea and fun experience, but the craze has gotten way out of hand. People continue to look for increasingly elaborate ways to share their baby's assigned gender, and the results aren't always great.
While people should be allowed to do whatever brings them joy, some of these gender reveal scenarios have turned dangerous. In the last month, a woman was killed by shrapnel from a gender reveal explosion, and a plane crashed after dumping colored water in a gender reveal.
YouTuber Paige Ginn decided to provide her own take on this out-of-control craze. Paige, a 25-year-old comedian, came up with a viral video idea for a gender reveal and staged it with fellow friends/comedians.
Paige posted the seven-second video, which shows her lying on the ground, undressed from the waist down. Behind her, decorations indicate a gender reveal. She concentrates before farting a cloud of a blue powder, upon which her guests erupt into cheers.
The quick clip poking fun at gender reveals has already been viewed over half a million times on Instagram. Facebook took down the video after over 18 million views and over 350,000 comments, according to Paige's Twitter account.
Paige is clearly enjoying how quickly the video has blown up, even if some think the joke is too crass. She proudly proclaimed, "All future gender reveals are cancelled," after experiencing the wild success of her video.
There were so many questions about how Paige pulled the joke off that she created a whole other video to address them on her YouTube channel. In the video, she clarifies that she is not, in fact, pregnant.
She's also been enjoying fan edits on the video, her favorite of which she shared on Twitter. In the edit, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's face is placed over her butt in such a position that it looks like he's blowing the colored smoke.
In another edit, her fart doesn't produce just a cloud of blue smoke. In that video, a splatter of bright blue paint hits the wall behind where she's lying as an animated baby head bobs around her backside.
The Utah native, who has since relocated to California, is an old pro at this type of humor. In another video, she sets up a romantic-looking setting and appears in a bikini. She looks like she's about to twerk, but farts instead.
Fart jokes aren't her signature joke, however. Paige's social media bios reveal that she calls herself "That girl who fake falls." There are a number of videos showing her pratfalls on her Instagram feed and YouTube channel.

It's hard to tell whether or not gender reveals will survive the test of time. While so many people are engaging in them now, there are a number of people who feel like the practice puts too much effort on birth-assigned gender, which is not what a child always goes by throughout their lives.

Whatever you might decide about gender reveals as they pertain to your own life, it's important that you perform them safely if you have one. These elaborate setups might make for entertainment at the moment, but some accidents can't be undone.