Father Takes Controversial Picture With Sick Baby In The Shower

It's sad to think that no matter what you do in life, or how innocent something can be, there will always seem to be someone out there who will try to bring you down.

Photographer, wife, and mother Heather Whitten learned that the hard way when she posted a picture of her husband and little boy on her photography page. The picture itself wasn't set up or even trying to "make a point" — there's a deep story behind the photo, but it seems as if thousands of people chose to judge the whole family without even reading Heather's story.

It turns out that the little boy being held by his father was terribly sick. The parents didn't know it yet, but he was suffering from salmonella poisoning. The parents, being worrywarts in the past, had gone to the emergency room a few times for what turned out to be nothing, so this time they assumed their boy was just sick and needed time to beat the fever.

As the boy's fever worsened, he began to vomit and suffered from diarrhea as well. So instead of having him suffer alone in embarrassment, Dad stripped them both down and sat down in the shower together. Any mess was instantly washed away from both of them, and as this amazing father patiently held his boy, mom knew she wanted a memory of this moment. A scary moment, yes, but one filled with true love. When she shared the story online, she had no idea what she was going to see the next morning.

People were angry, disgusted, outraged. All they could focus on was the nudity and not the amazing moment shared between a father and son.

Please check out some more pictures from this "disgusting" family, and see just what kind of "abusive" environment these children are forced to grow up in!

Facebook / Heather Whitten

Heather Whitten is quite the talented photographer. From home births to family portraits, this woman is well trusted for her sense of style and composition.

Facebook / Heather Whitten

But she's more than a photographer, she's a wife and mother as well. And being a photographer, she tends to document her life a bit more closely than most people. With so many moments to capture on film, this woman probably always has at least one camera nearby just in case she'll need to use it!

Facebook / Heather Whitten

From silly moments where her precious children are playing together…

Facebook / Heather Whitten

…To those beautiful memories that will surely be cherished when everyone is older. This woman knows what she's doing, feels comfortable sharing her life online, but most importantly she's not hurting her children. Looking at just a few of the photos, it's painfully clear that this family is very close, and like Heather stated when she was forced to defend herself…

"My family may be different than yours. But, that doesn't make your way right or my way wrong. You may never take images of your family like I do… you may never share images of your family like I do. But, that doesn't give you the right to silence my voice. To take away my right to share our experiences in an uncensored way. "

Facebook / Heather Whitten

The outrage caused by this beautiful picture goes to show that people didn't even read the story behind it.

Some people said he should have worn a bathing suit, but something tells us that for two young parents who are very worried about the well-being of their precious child, they probably weren't very concerned at the idea of offending anyone with something as innocent and nonsexual as this!

Facebook / Heather Whitten

Thankfully, they decided to take him to the hospital when things didn't get better, and once their little boy healed up, they went back to being a family filled with love.

Please SHARE this touching story if you think that these are both pretty amazing parents!