If you live in the United States, then you probably already know we have a thing for holidays. It seems like just about every day is something special to someone, whether it's Talk Like a Pirate Day or Star Wars Day or Chocolate Day — if you can make a big deal about it, we definitely will.
However, some of our holidays are genuinely meaningful and important. Not to hate on chocolate or Star Wars, because I love them both, but holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day are a few of my absolute favorites because they're so pure. Both days are about celebrating and loving the people closest to us, and that's always a good thing.
Father's Day and Mother's Day are also celebrated in various countries around the world. Here's a look at what other countries get up to for Father's Day.

Father's Day falls on the second Sunday of August in Brazil, and the holiday is all about celebrating St. Joachim, the father of Mary in the Bible. Children spend the day writing letters to their dads and paternal role models, expressing their gratitude and praise.
Sweden, Norway, and Iceland

Father's Day in Scandinavia is pretty fun. The day is observed on the second Sunday in November, though it was originally celebrated in June just like in the United States. Scandinavian businesses lobbied for the day to be moved to November, when business is slow, and it worked. Now families spend the time much like we do in the United States.

Father's Day in Thailand is celebrated on December 5. The day falls on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is known as the father of Thailand. The tradition dictates that everyone wear yellow and present their fathers with a canna flower.

In Japan, Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday in June. Families usually celebrate by eating a meal of seafood, and kids present their dads with handmade gifts, such as origami.

In Germany, the day that Father's Day is observed is dictated by Easter, as it falls on the sixth Sunday after Easter each year. The holiday is known as Vatertag or Männertag, and dads usually spend the day drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages and then going hiking.

Father's Day in Russia has its origins in the military and is technically known as Defender of the Fatherland Day. The holiday is observed on February 23, and festivities usually include parades. While the holiday was first reserved for military members, it has since been extended to all men, fathers or not.
United Kingdom

It's likely not a surprise that Father's Day celebrations in the UK are similar to those in the United States. The day is observed on the third Sunday of June, and families typically spend it by celebrating their dads. Typically, clubs and schools will even organize community Father's Day events.

Father's Day in India is still pretty new, and Time describes the holiday as "emerging." However, there are people who enjoy celebrating the day, and they tend to do so similarly to how we celebrate it in the United States.

France is another country that celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. Curiously, the holiday has its roots in a company that makes lighters, and lighters are even one of the most popular gifts for French fathers.

Holidays are often a big deal in Mexico, and Father's Day is no exception. The day is observed on the third day in June, just like in the United States, but in Mexico dads are tasked with deciding whether or not they want to participate in a 21-kilometer race called Carrera Día del Padre 21K Bosque de Tlalpan.

In Australia, Father's Day takes place on the first Sunday of each September. This also happens to be the first day of spring, which makes the day extra special for families who have dads.

Ireland is yet another country that hosts a Father's Day celebration that is similar to what you see in the United States. The day is observed on the third Sunday in June, and cultural organizations also take part in organizing community-wide events for Father's Day.

Israel is a country that offers a unique twist on the holiday. Instead of celebrating separate days for mothers and fathers, Israel celebrates Family Day, which has its origins in Mother's Day. A group called the Ezra Society celebrated the first Mother's Day in 1947, and the day became Family Day in 1990s.

Nigerians also celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. The day is largely spent celebrating men who are in their children's lives, much in the same way that we celebrate in the United States. Fathers and children spend time together playing games, talking, and more.

Father's Day isn't celebrated by many people in China, but there are Western dads who like to observe the day on the third Sunday in June. But historically, China did celebrate Father's Day on August 8 during World War II.
China Highlights explains: "They chose that date because in Chinese August 8 can be shortened to 'bā bā' (八八 'eight eight'). This sounds similar to the informal word for father (爸爸, bàba). This tradition dropped off in the Mainland, but was continued in Taiwan under the Republic of China government."