While some people may wait all day for fish to pass their flies, other fisherman have an uncanny ability to hook a fish with barely any effort. The grandfather in this next video might just be the best fisherman on the planet.
Fishing just comes naturally for the man in the below clip, entitled The Fish Whisperer, who shows that he doesn't need a rod or net to catch a monster-sized bass. In fact, he just needs his bare hands, a little bait — and no fear!
In the video, the older man leans over the dock holding a small piece of bait in his bare hand. Seconds later, he's caught a large-mouth bass! Wow, what a talent and what a heavy fish — and he makes it look so easy. Lucky for this bass, the old man gently let him back into the water to swim free.
If I'd not witnessed this with my own eyes, I never would have believed it. Have you ever seen anything like this?!
While his technique may seem unusual, it's actually a practical survival method if you're ever lost without food. To catch a fish without a rod, you can place your hands in the water, and once the scaly snack is within reach, you should aim to get your fingers under the gills, where hard cartilage and bone make for easier gripping.
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