Gender reveals are the baby shower event that definitely isn't going away anytime soon. The first gender reveal video is said to have been posted on YouTube back in 2008, and the trend really ramped up in the following years. Now it seems like just about everyone has a gender reveal as part of their baby shower.
In fact, the first gender reveal video is credited to blogger Jenna Karvunidis. In recent years, she has spoken out about gender reveals and has even said that she regrets popularizing the trend. She also has pointed out that she doesn't think she was really the first person to film their reveal. "I was more the tipping point and gave a party structure to what people have likely been celebrating since ultrasounds were invented," she said. "I just gave form to having the doctor put the news in an envelope and revealing it through cake icing at a party."
Nevertheless, the reveals are definitely still happening.
Since there are so many people putting their reveals out there, parents sometimes feel the need to make their gender reveal even more extra than the most recent one to go viral. And since people are, well, people, there have been a lot of gender reveals that have gone hilariously (and sometimes horribly) off-script.
And really, when parents are already spending so much time making sure their baby has the most unique baby name and the coolest nursery decor, it makes sense that prioritizing an absolutely one-of-a-kind gender reveal is something a lot of parents are doing.
1. The Reveal Escapes
In this video, an expectant couple takes turns batting at a giant black balloon, which is presumably filled with pink or blue confetti or another substance intended to tell the party-goers if the baby is a boy or a girl.
As they keep whacking at the balloon, it escapes — but that's not even the funniest part. When the dad-to-be attempts to catch the balloon, he runs smack into the family's fence and tumbles to the ground while everyone else around him laughs.
2. Yikes!
This gender reveal fail is almost predictable, but it doesn't make it any less funny. It looks like the reveal is modeled on a baseball game — there's a pitcher and a batter, right? The pitcher tosses a white ball-shaped item (maybe a balloon?) at the batter, who is supposed to swing, make contact, and pop the "ball."
Except … the batter totally misses, and the "ball" pops on its own. At least everyone still found out!
3. Twins?!
In this video, the couple is planning to use confetti poppers to reveal the gender identity of their baby. There's a countdown, they're really excited, they fire their poppers … and then realize that one of them has blue confetti and one has pink. At first, it might seem like they're having twins, but the frustrated expectant dad yells, "Oh, come ON!" and definitely makes it clear that this was just a ridiculous mistake.
4. A Swing and a ... Miss!

In yet another gender reveal gone wrong that involves baseball, the expectant mom is seen pitching a "ball" to the expectant father. We can safely assume that when he swings and makes contact with the ball, it will explode and something inside it will be blue or pink, indicating what the biological sex of the baby will be.
Except … the dad totally misses. The ball lands at his feet and bursts open, revealing a whole bunch of blue insides.
5. Disappointment Is Strong in This One
A lot of gender reveals include kids that the couple already has, which I love! What better way to make sure your older children also feel like they're part of the journey?
Well … the two sisters in this particular video may wish that they hadn't been included after all. When they open the box to reveal a whole bunch of blue balloons, meaning they're going to be getting a baby brother, their disappointment is reeeeal.
6. They Pulled a Fast One on Her
This video is pretty hilarious! As you have probably figured out by now, the whole point of the gender reveal is to use pink or blue in some way, indicating the stereotypical colors for girls and boys.
Well: For whatever reason, the family members of this couple decided to go the extra step and totally mess them up. When the excited mom and dad punch their way through a box that contains a colored balloon, they are greeted with … a YELLOW balloon. Yellow is traditionally considered a gender-neutral color, so you can imagine their confusion (and frustration).
7. Nothing Happens!
This expectant couple thought of a pretty cool idea: They put a balloon in a cardboard box and then each have a long string to pull. The strings are attached to the opening flaps of the cardboard box. Sounds cool, right?
Except that when the mom pulls the string, nothing happens. So the dad pulls his string, and again … absolutely nothing. Their family and friends are practically in stitches as a result and can be heard shrieking with laughter.
Eventually, the dad grabs scissors and starts slicing the box, and the gender of the baby is revealed.
8. Maybe Next Time ... Don't Use Fireworks

This video is pretty wild! The expectant parents seem like they wanted to do something a little different. At first, it looks like they may be lighting candles, and you're wondering if the candle will have a blue flame or pink flame. That would be fun, right?
But then you quickly realize that the couple has lit fireworks, which is also kind of cool. Pink sparks shoot up into the sky, and then the guests realize the couple is having a girl. Yay!
But then … a rogue firework heads directly for the person filming. It's pretty scary, but it seems like everyone was OK in the end. So let that be a gender reveal party lesson learned: Don't use fireworks.
9. Ooooouch
Oh man, this video is a doozy. The family has set up another cardboard box/balloon situation, and this time they have a ton of strings attached. As I watched it, I was already feeling good: Surely this would go off without a hitch, right?
Well, not so fast. When the family of three (mom, dad, and soon-to-be big brother) tug on the strings, the box falls right on mom's face! You can tell she's laughing while she clutches her face, and the dad puts his own hand on top of hers to comfort her. But still, that had to sting!
10. Total Fakeout

OK, I think maybe I have found the gender reveal video to rule them all. While not technically a fail, it's so good and surprising that it has earned inclusion on the list.
The expectant mom and a child I assume is her son are excitedly holding a white balloon. By now, you know the drill: They're going to pop the balloon, and something blue or pink will explode out, right?
Except when they pop it, nothing happens! Is it another gender reveal gone awry?
Nope: Grandma just has the secret after all. I love it! You can see it right here.
11. Touchdown?
Sports fans will be particularly entertained by this gender reveal: The family obviously has a thing for football. The dad is clutching a ball at the beginning, and he's obviously getting ready to kick it. The plan seems to be that the dad will kick the football, and it'll explode and reveal blue or pink contents when it lands in the yard.
Except that you know what they say about the best-laid plans, right? The dad is so into revealing the gender (and it's possible that this "football" isn't as heavy as a typical football might be) that he accidentally kicks the ball all the way into the neighbor's yard. Here's hoping there wasn't a big mess to clean up after!
12. Somebody Messed Up the Cake
This video is pretty funny. The couple decided to go pretty classic with their gender reveal and had a cake baked. The cake is pretty adorable — it's decorated with pink and blue dots and a lot of delicious-looking frosting.
The expectant father is working on cutting the cake, and it looks like he gets stuck a few times. At first, you might even think that the fail is that he's not going to be able to slice the cake. But no, he gets it … and then everyone finds out that the cake is yellow, not pink or blue!
13. We Are All Confused

It's totally OK if you're baffled by this gender reveal video, because I still haven't totally figured it out. It looks like the expectant mom is tossing a piñata shaped like the Millennium Falcon toward the dad, who is preparing to hit it with … a hammer. OK! Ten points to Gryffindor for being creative.
Unfortunately, their plan isn't foolproof. As the dad keeps trying and failing, someone off-camera is heard saying, "Let her whack it." Maybe he should!
Eventually, he gets it, and what looks like pink petals spill forth. It's a girl!
14. Rainbow!
I saved my favorite gender reveal fail for last, because it's pretty precious and could probably happen to anyone. These two parents are also using the cardboard-box-and-balloons trick, and you can tell they're really excited about what might be inside the box.
So they tear into it, look down, and see … a whole bunch of rainbow balloons. What?!
It turns out that the party store where they placed their order must have confused it with someone else's, but I can't help but wonder why whoever put the balloons in their cardboard box didn't ask any questions.