London Warren found inspiration and support for a big project, all from her mom, April. April is an author, so London knew just who to talk to when she decided she wanted to write a book.
London, who is 9 years old and in the fourth grade, was getting ready to return to school in person. As she did, she got the idea to write a book about how to stay safe in the classroom for kids like her. The result is The COVID Monitor, a 30-page book about a little girl who tells her mom how she wants to keep everyone safe and what she plans to do about it.
"She tells everybody to wear a mask and wash their hands," London shared with WBBM Chicago.
She wants kids to know what they can do to help put this chapter of our shared history behind us. "I hope to accomplish people to listen to COVID so it can be over very fast – because it's been going on for a whole year," she shared.
The book is also available in Spanish, thanks to the help of London's dad, who is fluent in the language and helped translate it. "It was a family effort," April noted proudly.
April and London aren't stopping here. They're working on a movie script for the book, excited for a new project to take on together.