When Maria and Jeff Papia got married, their hopes were to have children almost right away.
That was just the timeline that they'd imagined: go to college, get jobs, get married, then have kids and live the "American life."
Unfortunately, that's not what ended up happening. Maria and Jeff found out that they were going to have a long journey ahead of them because of infertility issues.
These issues are fairly common for women, though they are very seldom talked about. However, Maria and Jeff wanted to speak out so that people wouldn't feel alone, and because they know how expensive an sometimes unrealistic IVF can be.
So, Maria started a blog with a cousin who also has fertility issues, where they write about everything they've gone through.
Their blog and their faith have kept them from becoming hopeless.
Today, Maria and Jeff say their struggles have made them stronger than ever, and they're not giving up anytime soon!
We can all hope and pray that this loving couple gets what they've been so patiently awaiting. Please SHARE this beautiful couple's story so someone else that may be in their shoes can see it and find hope!